Privacy Policy

In compliance with the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals (the “Law”), its regulations and applicable guidelines, we inform you of the following: Corporativo Bimbo, SA de CV (hereinafter the " Grupo"), indicating for the purposes of this privacy notice the address located at Prolongación Paseo de la Reforma number 1000, Col. Peña Blanca Santa Fe, Mexico City, Mexico, Alcaldía Álvaro Obregón, CP 01210, will be responsible for collecting your personal information. It will also be responsible for the use and protection given to them and to those data that are collected by any of the mercantile companies that are their controllers, subsidiaries or affiliates, or by third parties hired to perform services on behalf of the Group, in accordance with this privacy notice (“the Privacy Notice”).

By virtue of your participation in the Grupo Bimbo Sustainability Survey, you provide us with the following personal data: (i) Identification data: full name, ( ii ) Contact data: email, (hereinafter, "the Personal information").

Personal Data will be used for any of the following main purposes: (i) identify you, ( ii ) contact you, ( iii ) evaluate you as a provider, ( iv ) for statistical purposes, (v) invite you to future surveys, (vi) to ensure compliance with all kinds of legal obligations.

Your Personal Data will not be collected or processed for secondary purposes.

We can collect your Personal Data in different ways: when you provide it to us directly or when we obtain information through other sources that are permitted by Law, complying at all times with the purposes indicated in the Privacy Notice.

The Group will not collect personal data directly from children under 18 years of age. Only people over 18 years of age may give consent to the Data collected.

Your Personal Data may be transferred to the controlling companies, subsidiaries, affiliates or any other belonging to the Group, in Mexico or abroad; to third parties, national or foreign, for the fulfillment of the aforementioned purposes, or when said communication of data is provided for in a Law or Treaty, or when required by the competent authority.

Through the signing of agreements and/or the adoption of other binding documents, we will ensure that said third parties maintain adequate security, administrative, technical and physical measures to protect your personal data, as well as that said third parties only use your Personal Data for the purposes for which they were collected and in accordance with this Privacy Notice. Notwithstanding the foregoing, we will not assign or transfer your Data to third parties not related to the company, except in the aforementioned cases and those provided by Law.

We will implement the security, technical, administrative and physical measures necessary to ensure the integrity of your Personal Data, and prevent its damage, loss, alteration, destruction or unauthorized use, access or treatment. Only authorized personnel, who have complied with and observed the corresponding confidentiality requirements, may participate in your treatment.

Authorized personnel are prohibited from allowing access by unauthorized persons and from using your Personal Data for purposes other than those established in this Privacy Notice. The obligation of confidentiality of the people who participate in the processing of your Personal Data subsists even after the relationship with the Group has ended.

It is your responsibility, as the Holder of the Personal Data, to guarantee that the Data provided to the Group is true and complete, as well as to notify the Group of any changes in them so that it can comply with the obligation to keep the information updated.

It is important to inform you that as the Owner of the information you have the right to access your Personal Data that we possess and the details of its treatment, as well as to rectify it if it is inaccurate or incomplete; cancel them when you consider that they are not required for any of the purposes indicated in this Privacy Notice or are being used for non-consensual purposes; and oppose their treatment for specific purposes or limit their use or disclosure.

To exercise these rights, it is necessary to submit a written request addressed to the Data Department of Corporativo Bimbo, SA de CV, at the following address: Prolongación Paseo de la Reforma No. 1000, Col. Peña Blanca Santa Fe, Mexico City, México, CP 01210, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., on business days.

All requests to be processed must contain and accompany the following:
    • The name of the Owner and address or other means to communicate the response to your request. In the event that the Owner does not indicate an address to receive the response, the request will be considered as not submitted, for which the pertinent certificate will be issued.
    • The documents that prove the identity (voting card with photograph, passport, military card, or driver's license), in simple copy and having exhibited the original for comparison or, where appropriate, the legal representation of the Holder (through Public Deed or power of attorney signed before two witnesses).
    • The clear and precise description of the personal data with respect to which one seeks to exercise any of the rights.
    • Any other element or document that facilitates the location of Personal Data.

The response to your request will be given, at your choice as the Holder, by email, or by written response when you go directly to the Group's offices at the address indicated to pick it up, and the response can be reproduced in electronic documents, simple copies, or verbally. The Group will have a period of twenty business days, counted from the date the request was received or from the date the Owner resolved the information requirement, to notify the Owner if it is appropriate. If the request is appropriate, it will become effective within fifteen days from the date on which the response is communicated. The referred deadlines may be extended only once for an equal period when justified.

For the purposes of knowing more about the requirements of the requests, their origin or forms, the Holder can contact the Personal Data Department in any of the following ways: directly at the company's address or at the email address datospersonales@

At any time, you have the right to revoke consent for the processing of your Personal Data, so that we stop using it, for which you must submit your request in accordance with the procedure and requirements indicated in the previous paragraphs.

Similarly, during your visit to this page, the Group can automatically collect the following information regarding your computer and your visit: (i) the domain and server from which you access the Internet, (ii) the Internet address of the page from which you linked directly to our page, if applicable, ( iii ) the date and time you entered, how long you stayed on the page and what areas you visited, ( iv ) your Internet Protocol address (Internet Protocol - IP) and (v) your computer's operating system and browser software. We may employ third parties to handle these enforcement measures, however, in no event do we obtain information about the individual identity of any visitor. Such third parties must observe our privacy standards and only provide us with the information in its entirety, to use the collected information only for the purposes for which the third party was hired, and then destroy the information.

This website may use cookies that send information to your computer while you browse our page. Cookies are unique to your computer and allow the Internet server to collect information to make the use of the page easier and more convenient. Cookies add convenience that allows you to save time when you return to this page. They can only be recorded by your Internet server in the domain that issued the cookie. Cookies cannot be used to operate programs or introduce viruses to your computer.

We use our own and third-party cookies to obtain non-personal information from online visitors. Cookies track browser type, operating system and Internet service provider and allow us to tabulate the total number of visitors to our site. You can disable them on your computer or set it to notify you when cookies are being sent to you through the preferences icon on your browser.

The types of cookies that are used are:

Cookie name Description Time of life
AADNonce.forms Unique identifier of an authentication session to prevent replay. Session
DcLcid Save the language preference. 90 days
MS0 Stores the session identification cookie. 90 days
MSFPC Critical service cookie to analyze the use of the service anonymously and aggregated for statistical purposes. 1 year
MUID It is used to identify different anonymous users. Critical service cookie to analyze the use of the service anonymously and aggregated for statistical purposes. 1 year
_RequestVerificationToken Used by the antiforgery system. Session
AADAuth.forms Directory authentication token. 90 days
AADAuthCode.forms An authentication code used to redeem the Azure Active Directory authentication token. 90 days
AADSID.forms Directory authentication session ID. 90 days
AADState.forms Authentication state to indicate whether the user is authenticated. 90 days

The Group reserves the right to modify this Privacy Notice at any time to comply with legislative updates, jurisprudence, internal policies, new requirements for the provision of services or any other cause. Any modification, as well as this updated document will be available on the platforms or facilities in which it is used.

This Privacy Notice, as well as the general handling carried out by the Group, is governed by current and applicable legislation in the United States of Mexico, so any controversy that arises as a result of its application must be ventilated before the Jurisdictional Bodies. authorities in Mexico City.